Sunday 25 July 2010

analysis - when you find out if all the hard work was worth it

and according to my results... no, it was not!

I've started to analyse now and I am not a happy bunny... not only are my hypotheses not supported, but the effects are going in completely the opposite direction to what I would except according to previous literature and common sense... gah!

but then, as Einstein once wisely said;

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”

Thursday 8 July 2010

writers block

so i now have 20 participants... enough to start writing up. i've been putting off writing my dissertation as i thought "well, i don't know what to write about until i know what tasks work..." (oh the joys of developing a novel battery!). the problem is... i just can't bring myself to start writing. i always seem to find something more "important" to do. the procrastination is getting stupid now.

i think that i seriously have writers block. tips to overcome this would be greatly appreciated!